You a provided with a simple mechanical balance and you are restricted to only 2 uses.
You have 8 marbles one is heavier.
See more see less 8.
Keep the heavy group of 3 marbles and discard the rest.
If one side is heavier you found the one.
Find the heavier ball.
For convenience sake let s name the balls 1 8.
If one is heavier than the other then we ve succeeded in just two weighings.
How would you find the heaviest marble if you are only allowed to weigh the marbles 2 times.
You are unable to determine which is the heavier marble by looking at them.
Suppose you have 8 marbles and a two pan balance used to compare the weight of 2 things.
You are given 8 identical looking balls.
Since we now have 3 marbles 1 of which is the heavy one put 1 in each side 1 left 1 right 1 unused set the scale again.
If it tips to a side we know that marble is the heavy one.
You have eight marbles.
One of them is heavier than the rest of the 7 all the others weigh exactly the same.
If instead it balances we know the one unused marble is the heavy one.
All of the marbles weigh the same except for one which is heavier than all of the others.
If they are the same weight then the 3rd is the heaviest.
If equal then the one you set aside is the heavy one.
From the heavier three put one aside and place one marble on each tray.
Then in the second weighing we can compare 2 of those 3 marbles to each other.
This 9 balls puzzle problem is very similar to 8 balls weight puzzle where 8 identical looking balls are given and one of the balls is heavier than rest of the 7 balls.
You have 8 marbles.
No matter which case happens you weighed marbles only twice and found the heavy one.
Red and blue marbles puzzle you have given 50 red marbles 50 blue marbles and two empty jars.
You have 9 marbles one of which is heavier and a set of scales what is the minimum number of times you must use the scales to find the heavier one.
Explain how you can deter mine the heavier marble by using a balance scale exactly a.
You have to put all the 100 marbles into the jars.
If one side is heavier than the other then we only have 3 marbles left.
First we weigh 1 2 3 on the left and.
If when comparing the 6 marbles we find that both.
Seven of the marbles have the same weight and one marble is heavier.