Cheaper varieties become darker and more brownish when brewed and can taste quite bitter if prepared incorrectly.
Yunnan black tea.
And this is the first sign how special they are.
Black tea from yunnan province is generally called dianhong tea.
It is single origin and grown organically in the higher elevations of yunnan province.
Black tea from yunnan is among the most robust but refined black teas produced in the whole world.
Yunnan tea is a type of fermented tea that is produced in the yunnan province in china.
Often referred to as the mocha of tea it is full bodied and offers a malty flavor with a delicate spiciness.
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Since the end of the second world war yunnan black teas have steadily increased in popularity and in the last 20 years a series of interesting hybrids.
Dianhong tea produces a brew that is brassy golden orange in colour with a sweet gentle aroma and no astringency.
Typically yunnan black teas are made from camellia assamica.
Black tea from yunnan is among the most robust but refined black teas produced in the whole world.
Typically yunnan black teas are made from assamica or assamica hybrid.
Higher quality yunnan black teas brew to a brassy golden orange color and have a gentle sweet aroma and no bitterness.
Sinensis yunnan black teas or green are made from mostly three different tea plants camellia taliensis hybrid of taliensis and sinensis and camellia sinensis var.
Black tea from yunnan is among the most robust but refined black teas produced in the whole world.
Our yunnan black is a dian hong style black tea.
Unlike most chinese green teas from camellia sinensis var.
Cheaper varieties of dianhong produce a darker brownish brew that can be very bitter.
The main difference between dianhong and other chinese black teas is the amount of fine leaf buds or golden tips present in the dried tea.