Being taller than wide with a trimmed or turned foot it is relatively large hot drink vessel compared with more formal tea drinking cups.
Yunomi tea cup definition.
For more formal settings a wide mouthed cup called kumidashi chawan is used to serve ocha green tea.
There are special pairs of yunomi called meoto yunomi.
Yunomiis the most common type of japanese teacup made for daily or informal tea drinking.
More than farm to table we believe in people to people at yunomi life you can read about the farmers who grow your tea while we translate your feedback into japanese so they can learn about you.
Unlike the more formal chawan tea bowl which is used during the japanese tea ceremony the yunomi is made for daily tea drinking.
The cups come in many forms and are usually cylindrical in shape with the ideal size being between 90 ml to 160 ml.
The most common styles for yunomi are.
Yunomi life bridges the language and cultural borders that separates japanese tea farmers with tea enthusiasts worldwide.
A yunomi is a form of teacup typically made from a ceramic material being taller than wide with a trimmed or turned foot.
Unlike the more formal chawan tea bowl which is used during the japanese tea ceremony the yunomi is made for daily or informal tea drinking.
There are many varieties of yunomi pottery stylesthat go as far back as the 16th century.