The symptoms go away soon after discontinuation.
Zinc copper supplement side effects.
While copper toxicity is rare the side effects can be very dangerous.
If you do consume excess zinc you can experience a range of symptoms.
Zinc is a very important mineral but you only need to take just enough.
A review of 17 studies on the effectiveness of zinc supplements for treating the common cold found that zinc may reduce the.
This toxicity tends to occur.
Oral zinc sulfate supplements can also cause side effects such as stomach upset heartburn and nausea.
If taken long term zinc lozenges may lower copper levels in the body.
Unacceptable side effects of oral zinc.
Zinc lozenges can alter your sense of smell and taste for a few days.
Some people might use zinc supplements to help overcome a deficiency.
Although not all of these side effects may occur if they do occur they may need medical attention.
Zinc s side effects include digestive issues flu like symptoms and reduced copper absorption and antibiotic effectiveness.
Zinc supplements are widely available online at your local health.
J acquir immune defic syndr human retrovirol 2001 27 56 62.
Taking a zinc supplement in combination with copper manganese and calcium might decrease bone loss in women who have passed menopause.
Rare side effects have also been reported and these include fever sore throat mouth sores weakness and fatigue.
Gastrointestinal side effects of zinc sulfate the active ingredient contained in zinc when taken in large doses have included diarrhea abdominal cramps and vomiting usually within 3 to 10 hours of dosing.
Lai h lai s shor posner g et al.
Drug information provided by.
While this is usually perfectly safe it is possible to have too much zinc in your diet.
Nausea and vomiting are commonly reported side effects of zinc toxicity.
Plasma zinc copper copper zinc ratio and survival in a cohort of hiv 1 infected homosexual men.
Here are some of the side effects you can expect to experience if you eat too much zinc.
Copper along with other minerals like zinc helps maintain optimal thyroid gland function.